
Midtgaard Holding ApS

Consulting Service, Investment in Companies, Securities, Listed Shares & Renewable Energy

Charlotte Brøste and Søren Midtgaard manage Midtgaard Holding.

We focus on investments carrying a calculated risk. Generally, our main focus is capital retention. But the bigger influence we have on an investment, the bigger our appetite is for risk.

Primarily, we manage own funds but we also enter into investment partnerships, both as lead investor as well as sleeping co-investor.

The partners behind Midtgaard Holding have more than 30 years of management experience from international top jobs. Strategic development, marketing of branded goods and globalization combined with sound business practice are some of the core competencies that Midtgaard Holding possesses.

Ahead of an investment decision, it is essential to evaluate the underlying business driving a cash flow in a company.

Søren Midtgaard

Søren Midtgaard
Managing Partner
+ 44 77 78 07 11 90

Charlotte Brøste

Charlotte Brøste
+44 77 75 76 81 83
+45 24 24 77 12